Support Crafts Council's Let's Craft Appeal for Children in Need
03 August 2020 by Michelle
The #LetsCraft appeal is a craft pack scheme by Crafts Council. It aims to provide thousands of children from families in need, with access to basic art materials to support their creativity, learning and wellbeing over the summer. Find out how you can support it.

Crafts Council aims to raise £100,000 this summer to distribute 10,000 craft packs to children across the UK as part of their Let's Craft appeal.
With a £10 donation you can help bring joy and creativity into the homes of thousands of children across the country at a time when this is more needed than ever. The Covid-19 pandemic has meant that many children are stuck at home without materials to make and create. If their parents' livelihoods have been affected by Covid-19, then buying paper and crayons can be an unaffordable luxury.
The Let's Craft packs are for primary and secondary school-aged children most in need of support, such as those who are eligible for free school meals. Distributed by a network of community hubs and food banks, each pack contains art supplies such as pens, pencils, paper, crayons and a scrapbook, as well as an activity book designed by Andria Zafirakou, art teacher and winner of the 2018 Global Teacher Prize.
The packs are distributed to families in the most need of support through a network of community hubs and food banks across England.
A £10 donation pays for one Let’s Craft pack. You can buy one or as many packs as you wish!
Your donation will go straight to purchase packs to be delivered to children in need.
To donate £10 text CRAFT to 70085 or donate online.
Find out more about the initative here: