R&D funding to increase digital reach for cultural organisations
14 April 2020
The Space Low-Cost R&D commissioning round is currently open for applications until 7th May 2020. Funded by Arts Council England, the fund is for cultural organisations in England looking to increase their digital reach. Funding available up to £11,000 (ex. VAT).

The Space commission and support work which delivers greater access to the arts using digital platforms and content. They are interested in projects which capture great live performances or exhibitions, extend the online reach of arts content and work, or use technologies as an integrated way of developing great arts experiences.
The commissioning round for Low-Cost R&D is funded by Arts Council England. It aims to increase the digital reach of arts and cultural organisations by increasing the impact of existing work or collections. It allows you to test approaches to extending your work digitally, acquiring new skills and gaining practical, sustainable experience in creating digital content and engaging online audiences. Projects should be able to be turned around relatively quickly and have a measurable audience outcome. We are particularly interested in applications from diverse-led organisations and/or projects that include a focus on reaching diverse or underserved arts and cultural audiences.
For more information and to apply online: https://www.thespace.org/resource/low-cost-rd-commissioning-round
It aims to increase the digital reach of arts and cultural organisations by increasing the impact of existing work or collections and allows you to test approaches to extending your work digitally, acquiring new skills and gaining practical, sustainable experience in creating digital content and engaging online audiences. Projects should be able to be turned around relatively quickly and have a measurable audience outcome. We are particularly interested in applications from diverse-led organisations and/or projects that include a focus on reaching diverse or underserved arts and cultural audiences
You can apply via our online system, using the link below. The deadline for applications is midday Thursday 7 May 2020. We expect to notify shortlisted projects by Friday 12 June 2020. Please see the timelines in the Commissioning Brief for more detail. In some circumstances, it may be possible to approve your project in a shorter timeframe if you have a particular deadline to meet, e.g. if the project is linked to a theatrical season or live event. If this is the case, please mark this clearly on your application and we will do our best to review the proposal quickly.
• The applicant must be an arts or cultural organisation whose registered office is in England. Organisations can include museums and libraries if the project is primarily arts focused.
• In addition to financial support, all projects will be provided with assistance from our team of Associates, first during a development phase falling between shortlisting and greenlighting, and again during the project to help fill any gaps in your skills or confidence.
• The maximum amount of funding available per project is £11,000, dependent on project type, though this could be higher in exceptional circumstances.
• The project must produce content that is made available to public audiences and help to build digital production and audience development skills in your organisation.
• To allow time for scoping we anticipate typically applicants will not be aiming to publish before August 2020.
• The project must be published by 31 March 2021.
• You should be willing to share insights gained from the project with the arts and cultural sector via a case study published by The Space after project completion.
Application documents
FOR MORE INFO ON HOW TO APPLY AND TO ACCESS THE APPLICATION FORMS, GO HERE - https://www.thespace.org/resource/low-cost-rd-commissioning-round