Lockdown in Lancaster and Morecambe: Walk, Run, Pedal, Push, Map
02 June 2020 by Ed
Artist Louise Ann Wilson is asking residents across Lancaster, Morecambe Bay and the surrounding areas to submit their favourite ‘lockdown’ walks in order to create a unique piece of art entitled “Lockdown in Lancaster and Morecambe: Walk, Run, Pedal, Push, Map” .

Map your own Lockdown
Lancashire based artist Louise Ann Wilson is asking residents across Lancaster, Morecambe Bay and the surrounding areas to submit their favourite ‘lockdown’ walks in order to create a unique piece of art entitled “Lockdown in Lancaster and Morecambe: Walk, Run, Pedal, Push, Map” .
Throughout the lockdown restrictions it’s become apparent how important getting outside has become. Our precious time outdoors has also provided some much needed breathing space both mentally, physically and emotionally.
Louise Ann Wilson said “I have followed paths that have taken me to parts of Lancaster that I didn’t know were there! I am now becoming more aware of how the city connects; where tracks, streams, waterways, roads and the river meet and cross.”
When asked what will happen to the submitted maps Louise said “All of the mapped routes will be combined into a single map. This map will then become a bespoke artwork that abstracts and stitches the routes and paths into a made-at-home PPE intensive care gown.
You can hand draw your routes or capture them digitally via GPS.
In order to support social distancing rules and not exacerbate overcrowding on footpaths, the collated routes will not be shared widely until later in the year (post lockdown). To find out more about the project and how you can submit your favourite walks, runs or cycle rides visit lancasterarts.org/lockdown or email louise@louiseannwilson.com.
Louise’s project has been commissioned by Lancaster Arts which has devised a support programme called ‘Breathing Space’ to connect people with each other and support the freelance arts community in Lancashire during the current pandemic.
Jocelyn Cunningham, Director of Lancaster Arts said “We have been reflecting on how we, together with artists, can best contribute in these challenging times. Some aspects of Breathing Space will be for everyone to take part in, whilst others will be directed towards artists, volunteers or students living on the campus at Lancaster University.”
Other Breathing Space commissions include local dance artist Jenny Reeves and freelancer photographer Darren Andrews who is photographing our empty streets and landscapes in these unusual times.
Lancaster Arts is funded by Lancaster University and Arts Council England. The award-winning arts organisation is an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation.