Lancs Screening of new documentary about Women in Animation
10 February 2020
'British Animation Women Breaking the Mould' is a new documentary celebrating some of the best female talent in the animation industry. It will be screened on 21st February at Uclan, with speakers from the documentary in attendance.

Please sign up to attend this free screening of British Animation Women Breaking the Mould to celebrate the wealth of female talent working in the Animation industry. There is a broad range of contributors from BBC, Peppa Pig, Aardmans to independent animation directors.
The film is a celebration of female talent as well as a look at employment trends. It looks at the role of women in the animation industry with input from female animators, writers, directors, commissioners and producers. Some of the speakers from the film will be there to talk about the challenges they've faced entering and working in the industry.
The screening is an opportunity to showcase inspiring role models to encourage women and girls wishing to enter the animation industry.
Date: Friday 21st February - 6pm to 7pm
Venue: Mitchell & Kenyon Theatre, Foster Building, Corporation Street, Preston, PR1 2HE
BOOKING via Eventbrite - Event: British Animation Women Breaking The Mould
More info on the film here: