Lancashire to be represented at Contemporary Art Society Talk
29 June 2020 by Michelle
Professor Charles Quick, UCLan Art Design & Fashion faculty member and Co-Curator of Certain Places, has been invited to contribute to a distinguished online panel event for the Contemporary Art Society. He is the only UK panelist not based in London. The talk, about Public Space and Culture after the Virus, is being held on 2nd July 2020, read more for details.

Professor Quick is a Professor of Public Art Practice and Co-Curator of Certain Places at the School of Art Design and Fashion at the University of Central Lancashire. He is an artist/researcher and curator in the public realm. He has contributed to permanent and temporary projects for cities across the United Kingdom. In 2003, he co-founded the curatorial project ’In Certain Places’. Since then he has worked with regional, national and international artists to develop works for Preston, which have revealed, critiqued and provoked new understandings of a place and its peoples.
Prof. Quick is the only UK person based outside of the Capital to be participating in the upcoming CAS Consultancy: Public Space and Culture After the Virus Talk - An online conversation between architects, urbanists and cultural place makers. So it is particularly wonderful news that Lancashire will be represented at this event.
Date: Thursday 2nd July, 6-7.30pm. Booking via email reservation (see below)
CAS Consultancy has worked over the past ten years to develop cultural placemaking strategies that embed social and community value in public realm developments. Like many in the field, they are questioning and seeking answers about the role of culture in the public realm both today and in the days to come.
Professor Quick joins a distinguished panel to consider the future of the urban realm and the role of culture in supporting new behaviours and ways of considering social space. The line up includes:
Chair Shumi Bose, Curator and Writer, Coordinator of Contextual Studies in Architecture at CSM and Curator of Exhibitions, RIBA, Cany Ash, Partner, Ash Sakula Architects Harbinder Birdi, Senior Partner Hawkins\Brown Anna Minton, writer and lecturer, University of East London Fabienne Nicholas, Head of Consultancy, Contemporary Art Society Christina Norton, Founding Director, Fluid/Soundings Charles Quick, In Certain Places Jérôme Sans, Artistic Director, Rives de Saône-River Movie (Lyon) and Grand Paris Express project.
For more information about the CAS Event on 2nd July and to book your place CLICK HERE.