Hope Not Hate
08 August 2024 by Ed
We are living in rapidly changing and unpredictable times. We join our sector partners and industry voices in our shock and horror in response to the inflammatory, racist, violence of recent days.

Longstanding problems of racism, divided communities and the economic and political consequences of globalisation and de-industrialisation, are now supplemented by new pressures and trends. The growing threat of international far right terrorism, particularly amongst young people, and the mainstreaming and the increasingly complex and sometimes unconventional nature of hate rhetoric in public discourse, generates new fears and challenges.
The HOPE not hate website a useful source of information and action for anyone seeking greater understanding or help in responding to recent events on our high streets towns and cities.
HOPE not hate represents a value system, a framework for society and how we want to live our lives within that. It is about community not individuals; peace not conflict; solidarity not self-interest; respect not abuse; resilience not fragmentation; togetherness not isolation; collaboration not competition.
Links to other organisations and research to challenge structural racism:
A recent blog post by Rebbecca Hemmings (strawberrywords.co.uk) includes a wealth of associated resources and links which addresses racial trauma and explores ways of finding hope - read here