Culture Recovery Fund: Grants second round
09 January 2021 by Ed
The application portal is now open for the second round of Culture Recovery Fund: Grants, until 12pm Tuesday 26 January 2021.

About Culture Recovery Fund: Grants second round
This programme aims to support culturally significant organisations from April – June 2021 as they transition back to a viable and sustainable operating model. It's open to for-profit and non-profit arts and cultural organisations.
Key information
- The minimum grant amount you can apply for is £25,000.
- You can’t apply for more than £1 million in grants if you are a for-profit organisation or more than £3 million in grants if you are a non-profit organisation, local authority or university. These limits include any money that has been received in the previous round of the Culture Recovery Fund, including grants delivered by National Lottery Heritage Fund, Historic England and the British Film Institute.
Read the guidance and FAQs
First things first, you should read the guidance for applicants cover-to-cover. It includes who can apply, what you can apply for, and what ACE are looking for in your application.
ACE have also published FAQs to help answer any further questions you might have after reading the guidance for applicants, and we’ll keep adding to these over the coming days.
Please make sure you read the full set of FAQs before getting in touch with us, as they might help answer your question more quickly.
In your application, ACE will ask you to provide a cashflow for [months it should cover] and detailed budget for [months it should cover]. You must use the templates ACE provide for these, and they’re available to download at the bottom of the below webpage
Are you registered on Grantium?
Before you can submit an application, you need to create a profile with us on our application portal, Grantium.
This doesn’t take long, it doesn’t tie you in to making an application, but it is mandatory for all applicants.
To guarantee you have enough time to apply before the deadline, make sure you submit your Grantium applicant profile for validation before 12pm (midday) on Thursday 21 January.
Once your profile has been approved, you must submit your grant application by Tuesday 26th January. (see below for more on key dates)
Apply for between £25,000 and £3,000,000
There may be a limit on how much you can apply to this programme for:
- if you have previously received a grant from Culture Recovery Fund: Grants, the maximum you can receive in total across rounds is £3,000,000
- if you have not previously received a grant from the Culture Recovery Fund: Grants programme, the maximum you can apply for is £3,000,000
If your application for a grant takes you over these limits, then you should consider making an application to Culture Recovery Fund: Repayable Finance Round Two
Read the guidance for full details on limits that may apply
The lead organisation (the organisation submitting the application) should be properly constituted as an organisation. The kinds of organisations that are eligible to apply include:
- limited companies registered at Companies House
- community interest companies (CICs) registered with the CIC regulator
- charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs) registered with the Charity Commission
- charitable companies or charitable trusts registered with the Charity Commission
- limited liability partnerships registered at Companies House
- partnerships established under a partnership deed/ agreement
- community benefit and co-operative societies regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
- Royal Charter bodies
- statutory bodies and other public bodies including Universities and Local Authorities who run or maintain cultural services
- Heritage organisations with a museum with either Accredited or working towards Accreditation status
The lead organisation must either be based in England or can demonstrate that the majority of their work takes place in England.
For the avoidance of doubt, the above includes National Portfolio Organisations, Creative People and Places lead organisations and Music Education Hub lead organisations.
Full eligibility criteria can be found in the guidance document.
Key dates
Application Open Date: 12pm (midday), Wednesday 6 January 2021
Application Deadline: 12pm (midday), Tuesday 26 January 2021
More information