Covid-19 Recovery Grants
24 August 2020 by Ed
Lancashire businesses can apply for grants of between £1,000 – £3,000 to help them access new technology and other equipment to help them adapt, recover and rebuild. The support will also extend to professional, legal, financial or other advice. Support will be fully funded by the government from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

£1.5million of grants available to help Lancashire businesses recover from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
A portion of a (£30m) ERDF fund will be made available via Growth Hubs (Boost), to enhance the competitiveness of small and Medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) to respond to the additional demand for business support due to the impact of COVID 19.
The Government recently announced a national fund for tourism businesses and small to medium sized businesses to aid recovery from the economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. The aim of the funding is to help organisations move forward by accessing specialist support or advice or to purchase equipment that will enable your business to recover. Please be aware that the process is competitive and demand will be extremely high.
Eligible businesses can apply now for grants of between £1,000 – £3,000 to access new technology and other equipment to help adapt, recover and rebuild. The support will also extend to professional, legal, financial or other advice. Support will be fully funded by the government from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Projects must complete activity and pay in full by 31st January 2021 with grant claims submitted by 15th February 2021 at the latest.
Kickstart Lancashire Tourism Grant
If you’re a tourism business based in Lancashire, you can apply for a cash grant of up to £3,000 to help your recovery. More information here
If you’re an SME based in Lancashire, you can apply for a cash grant of up to £3,000 to help your recovery. More information here
Summary of key information:
- Grants will be available for tourism businesses, in addition to businesses from the wider economy
- 100% grants of between £1,000 and £3,000 are available, going up to £5000 in exceptional circumstances
- There must be an evidence of need and you must be able to demonstrate how your businesses has been affected
- Grants can support specialist advice such as accountancy, marketing, HR and finance
- Grants can also fund the cost of small capital items for digital solutions or specialist equipment
- You must be based within Lancashire Local Enterprise Partnership area
- Grants cannot fund PPE or items to help with social distancing
- Grants cannot fund ongoing running costs such as rent, lease costs, insurance etc.
- Grants cannot fund vehicles
For culture and tourism businesses this could also include supporting small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs), with productivity improvements and enhanced use of digital tools such as yield management software, mentoring, networking or other measures. It could also support the development of innovative delivery in a socially distanced economy – for example, new ways of delivering cultural events and festivals, purchase of minor equipment and technology in order to continue delivery or diversify in response to COVID 19.
The list of eligible cultural activities also include:
- Organisation of conventions and trade shows
- Exhibitions & Conferences etc.
- Performing arts
- Support activities to performing arts
- Artistic creation
- Operation of arts facilities
- Museum activities
- Operation of historical sites and buildings and similar visitor attractions
NB: Once a project has been approved the applicant must pay for the product or service before being able to claim the grant funding.
Key dates:
Open for expressions of interest: August 24 2020
Expressions of interest assessed: Early September onwards