Could Coronavirus end 'greed is good' culture?
08 April 2020
In a recent podcast for Workplace Evolution, designer and Champion of Creative Lancashire, Wayne Hemingway MBE considers how businesses could potentially re-evaluate their purpose and societal obligations as a response to the current crisis.

This podcast with Wayne really does drive home the fact that being No #1 in the sector right now is not a priority – people are frightened about their health, their loved ones and their income. History will judge many businesses on how they have acted and whose interests they have in mind. Wayne was born in Morecambe and is one of Britain's most acclaimed designers who built the globally celebrated Red or Dead label through not just innovation but applying the values he learnt from is community.
He has also been an integral part of the re-development and renaissance of seaside towns across the UK - such as Morecambe which we also discuss in the podcast – and now wants businesses to re-evaluate their contribution to society and the environment.
So, how will business behave post the Corona-virus? ...and has the global epidemic brought about the end of the “Greed is Good Culture” that define many western societies.
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