BFI Film Academy Specialist Courses: Applications Now Open!
30 November 2021 by Ed
BFI Film Academy Specialist Courses are now accepting applications! These courses provide 16-19yr olds with the opportunity to gain valuable skills specialising in an area of filmmaking that they’re interested in.

BFI Film Academy Specialist Courses Specialist Courses comprise of five residential programmes across the UK. People of all abilities and backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Bursary schemes are available to help with any costs.
The courses last between 1 and 2 weeks and are delivered over the February half term and the Easter holidays. Specialist courses are designed to develop participants’ skills in areas such as Stop Motion Animation, Art Department, Documentary, VFX and Craft Skills.
Students will get masterclasses, workshops, and technical skills lessons, all delivered by established industry professionals. Everyone that completes the course will become part of our alumni network and get access to fantastic opportunities including a BAFTA mentoring scheme and paid traineeships.
BFI Film Academy: Social Media Assistant
Are you 16 to 19 years old and interested in a career in film?
Do you want to create a VFX sequence or stop motion animation? Maybe you have a great idea for a documentary or you’re a budding production designer or prop maker?
Or maybe you’re passionate about a specific craft skill like directing, editing, cinematography, sound or more?
If any if these sound like you, then make sure you apply now for a BFI Film Academy specialist course. Specialist courses are a great, one off opportunity to spend 1 or 2 weeks learning about a specific area of film, developing your skills and building a career in the film industry.
You’ll get masterclasses with award winning industry experts and hands-on filmmaking experience!
Applications close 6th December 2021.
Apply now via the link below