Arts Council Announces Culture Recovery Fund
10 August 2020 by Michelle
Part of the government's £1.57 bn package to protect UK culture and heritage sectors, this new Culture Recovery Fund offers financial support for cultural organisations that were financially stable before Covid-19, but are now at imminent risk of failure. Deadline for first round applications is Friday 21st August 2020.

The Culture Recovery Fund will support cultural organisations, enabling those that have been affected by the Covid-19 crisis to stay afloat. It can provide them with support over a 6-month period to ensure that they can reopen by 31 March 2021, either fully or partially. Alternatively, if they are unable to reopen by that date, to help them operate on a sustainable, cost-efficient basis until they are able to reopen at a later date.
The total fund is worth £500 million and comes from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. Grant awards will range from £50,000 to £3 million. There are specific conditions for eligibility and you / your organisation must be registered on Grantium in advance of applying.
This programme is open to arts and cultural organisations, including charitable and non-profit organisations as well as private organisations and commercial for-profit ventures.
The lead organisation (the organisation submitting the application) should be properly constituted as an organisation. The kinds of organisations that are eligible to apply include:
- limited companies registered at Companies House
- community interest companies (CICs) registered with the CIC regulator
- charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs) registered with the Charity Commission
- charitable companies or charitable trusts registered with the Charity Commission
- limited liability partnerships registered at Companies House
- partnerships established under a partnership deed/ agreement
- community benefit societies regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
- Royal Charter bodies
- statutory bodies and other public bodies including Universities and museum who run or maintain cultural services
The lead organisation must also be able to provide at least one year’s independently certified or audited financial statements.
Organisations must have been financially sustainable before Covid-19 but are now at imminent risk of failure and have exhausted all other options for increasing their resilience.
There will be two consecutive rounds of this fund.
- Round One: the portal opens for applications at 12pm (midday) on Monday 10 August and closes at 12pm (midday) on Friday 21 August.
- Round Two: opens at 4pm on Friday 21 August and close on Friday 4 September at 12pm (midday).