Art in Manufacturing Open Call
21 November 2024 by Ed
National Festival of Making are currently sharing an Open Call for an Artists Residency with Darwen Terracotta, as part of the Art in Manufacturing commissioning programme. The residency will invite an artist or collective working in any art form to work alongside and draw inspiration from the manufacturer. Deadline - 25th November.

Artists Residency with Darwen Terracotta - Deadline: 25/11/2024
National Festival of Making are currently sharing an Open Call for an Artists Residency with Darwen Terracotta, as part of the Art in Manufacturing commissioning programme.
The Festival have collaborated with Darwen Terracotta since founding Art in Manufacturing in 2016 and is now excited to be entering the fourth embedded residency with them having previously commissioned three artists to undertake residencies - James Bloomfield, Hannah Leighton-Boyce and Nehal Aamir.
The National Festival of Making is releasing a new Art in Manufacturing opportunity for an Artist Residency with Darwen Terracotta & Faience, industry leaders in designing and manufacturing architectural terracotta, faience and sculpture.
The residency will invite an artist or collective working in any art form to work alongside and draw inspiration from the manufacturer.
The residency offers the opportunity to study the history of making and manufacturing industries in Lancashire and the wider UK, its associated communities and making practices; impact and connection to global making; contemporary making practices, products and position in the contemporary making landscape - economically, culturally, environmentally and socially.
The residency period is expected to run from December 2024 - June 2025, with the outcome shown at the National Festival of Making 2025 (4th – 6th July).
Deadline for Applications: Monday 25th November 2024, 10.00 am