Register interest for the RSA Pupil Design Awards 2019/20
13 September 2019
Calling schools and students to participate in the RSA's Pupil Design Awards! In this competition students aged 12-17 are encouraged to use design thinking to come up with innovative ideas to overcome real life problems. Register interest by 4th October.

For this year's Pupil Design Awards competition, there are three briefs, so students will have the opportunity to choose the brief they want to work on as part of a team. The deadline to register interest is Friday 4th October 2019 and here's a rundown of what you need to know.
What will your students get from participating in the competition?
• An opportunity to explore how design can be used to solve major issues facing people and the planet
• Support from mentors who have previously won prestigious RSA Student Design Awards (as part of a highly-competitive global competition for university students)
• Enhanced design thinking, collaboration and problem solving skills
• The chance to win prizes in a national competition judged by industry experts
What will you get from participating in the competition?
• The opportunity to participate in training on teaching prosocial and human-centred design, delivered by design education specialists Fixperts.
• Resources, including lesson plans, to support you as you guide your pupils to respond to the Pupil Design Award briefs
• The chance to raise the profile of design in your school through participation in a national competition
What’s the timeline?
• By Friday 4th October 2019, sign up here to participate in the competition
- Following this, we’ll send you the teacher and student resource packs
- From this point, you can use the teacher and student resources provided to support your students as they create their submission
• November 2019, participate in a one-day teacher training session
• January-February 2020, welcome a former Student Design Award winner to your school for a mentoring session with your participating students
• By the end of May 2020, submit entries from your students
• June-July 2020, judging takes place
• July 2020, winners announced in three categories: Years 7 & 8, Years 9 & 10 and Year 12.
What will it cost my school?
• There is no entry fee to participate in the competition. Resources, training for teachers and mentoring for pupils are all provided at no charge thanks to the generous support of the Comino Foundation and the Four Acre Trust.
• Please note that winning teams may need to travel to attend the final judging and awards ceremony, which take place on the same day. Previous finals have been held in Birmingham and London.
• You can deliver the competition as part of a regular class – previous entrants have aligned with English, Science, PSHE as well as Design and Technology classes – or as part of an extracurricular design club.
To put your students in the running to be this year’s Pupil Design Award winners, sign up here.