Applications open for 2nd Faculty North online programme

16 November 2020

The Northern Faculty of Social Arts is inviting applications from artists and creative practitioners based in the North of England to participate in this online programme running from 12th January to 23rd March 2021. There are 20 bursaries available for the programme and applications close on 27th November 2020.

Applications open for 2nd Faculty North online programme

Calling all Northerners

The Faculty North - a collaboration between Heart of Glass and InSitu - is an alternative learning space for practitioners working at the intersection of arts and social transformation. They are seeking applications from artists and creative practitioners whose work addresses the urgent questions facing many of our communities to participate in this online programme of learning

The Faculty North programme provides the opportunity to develop your ideas and discuss experience in a collaborative setting. The programme runs from the 12th January to the 23rd March 2021.

This programme employs arts-based methods of learning and exploration to carefully consider the political, the social, the economic and the environmental aspects of our current situation. Delivered online due to Covid, it will cover Context and History, Practice and Skills, Ethics, Ethos and Politics, Planning and Presenting a Project, Self-care and Survival.

For this second intake, due to Covid-19 restrictions, the organisers have taken the difficult decision to limit the geographical scope of participants to the North of England and people who identify with being Northern.

The (online) Faculty North aims to support creative practice and well-being, offering its students the space and time to share experiences, reflect on practice, and exchange ideas with colleagues and peers, particularly during a global pandemic which has affected all of our lives.

To support this aim, each student will receive a bursary of £500 to attend.

Application deadline: 27th November 2020

Find out more and download an application pack HERE.

This programme is produced by Heart of Glass and In-Situ.

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